
Good you dropped in…
Worshipping the sun, early inhabitants of the earth knew instinctively that they owed their very existence to light. And as the sun was the source, even when reflected from the moon, they gave thanks for it. Art equally needs light to exist, sometimes you can see this literally in a work and other times it has a more figurative dependency. Interpreting the effects of light, as it casts shadows, shimmers over arid landscapes, reflects from the oceans or as flames in a camp fire, are the domain of the artist. Simplifying and capturing the essence of light in a way that intrigues us. Making sense of the chaos, filtering out the noise and giving due credit to the sun.
Gerard’s paintings and sculptures question his own assumptions and record that which has consoled him. Sometimes there are references, in these works, to creations by artists no longer with us and it is through standing on the shoulders of these giants that we can seek to comprehend our ever-changing world.
Virtual World
Things can appear instantly in a virtual world, in the way that ideas for things pop into my head. But to make things for our real world, it takes a little longer. That’s reality for you. It doesn’t matter if you have a factory that makes thousands of things in a minute or a workshop that a piece of furniture is shuffled out of from time to time. Without good planning and trial and error, we would not have much to comfort us at all.
Work like this is often described as painstaking. Well, to be honest, apart from the occasional slip of a chisel or thump of a misjudged hammer blow, pain has nothing to do with the things I make. I love doing this. I only use materials from renewable resources and make things that will last many generations. Things for people to use, treasure and enjoy. Things for you?